David Lanius


My main area of specialisation is philosophy of language, epistemology, logic, and argumentation theory. I am interested in how to make philosophy fruitful to societal issues and in how to teach philosophy to students in universities and schools. Part of my research concerns thus questions of applied philosophy, philosophy of education, and the didactics of philosophy.

My current research focus

I am particularly interested in how (and whether) people change their convictions based on rational argumentation. Are good arguments ultimately convincing also to someone who does not share one’s beliefs already? How are we to deal with people who believe in “alternative facts?” Are there specific argumentative practices tied to modern populism, or is it all rhetoric?

At the moment I am examining how argumentative abilities can be effectively acquired and taught in schools and universities and how the teaching of the epistemic and reflective competencies of philosophy can help to counter fake news and populism.

Selected Publications



Not yet published

  • Kazmaier, Kathrin, Balg, Dominik, Löwenstein, David & David Lanius (eds., fourthcoming): “Argumentieren lernen mit Toulmin? Kritische Perspektiven auf das Toulmin-Schema in den Fachdidaktiken”, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag.
  • Schefczyk, Michael & David Lanius (manuscript): “Weighing the Reasons: Epistemic Costs and Benefits of No-Platforming”
  • Jaster, Romy & David Lanius (in preparation): “Bullshit, Norms, and Politics”
  • Kucharzyk, Karoline & David Lanius (in preparation): “Argumentationskompetenz in der Geographiedidaktik”
  • Gessner Susann, Gaus, Eva-Maria & David Lanius (in preparation): “On the Didactics of Democratic Discourse Ability”
  • Breitwieser, Anna & David Lanius (in preparation): “The Dimensions of Epistemic Competence: A General Conceptualization for Cross-Sectional Teaching”
  • Lanius, David (in preparation): “Indeterminacy in Political Discourse”
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